Monday, January 11, 2010
Devin's Art Gallery
The smelly fruit Durian
Daiva and I smelling the fruit.
Finally I got to try fresh Durian fruit. It looked cool. The spikes were sharp and you already could smell the fruit without even opening it yet. Once we opened the smell was strong, some people would say kind of stinky :) The fruit meat was sweet but strange flavor. After eating a little bit I could not eat more. My taste buds were so not used to such a strange flavor, consistency and smell. I friezed up most of the fruit. I heard they make great smoothies. The fruit comes from Indonesia and you could find them in Asian Markets. I highly recommend to try it just for such a uniqueness of it. Thanks Daiva for my Christmas present!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Lithuanian Sauerkraut

Putting shreded cabage in HARSCH stone fermentation pot

We got half of it full.
The recipe:
4 heads of hard winter cabbage
4 carrots
1 apple
A handfull of fresh cranberries
A spoonful of fennel seeds
Salt to taste
Shred the cabbage and carrots, apple with the food processor. I alternate a couple of blades: half of it make it with one that makes long stripes and half of it that makes short ones. Mix it all with fennel seeds, cranberries and salt. Than you need to press it all untill you get some juice. If you do not get enough juice add some water. Put some cabbage leaves on the top and add the stone weight that comes with the pot. The water(cabagge juice) has to go above the weighting stones-very important!! Close pot with the lid and pour some water in the groove. Leave pot in your kitchen and listen for bubbling sound. Your sauerkrout will be ready in about 5 days. Take it all out, put in glass jars and keep in the refrigirator for a long time if you want. We eaty it pretty quickly..
Raw Cranberry Jelly
24 ounces of fresh cranberries
1 to 2 sweet apples
1/2 cup of water
honey to taste
Blend it all with Vitamix or your blender and pour it in the jar. It can sty in the refrigerator for days. I like to put it on the toast. Toast with cream cheese and cranberry jelly goes nicely with it too.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Gold Nugget Squash Soup

Gold Nugget Squash
During the winter season I use a lot of squash. I had this squash(Gold Nugget is a winter squash) in my kitchen for the last 4 months sitting on the top of the refrigerator and having no time to get to it (It looked kind of pretty too:). I thought it might be bad by now, but once we open it up it was perfectly fine to use it! Tonight we baked it and made the soup out of it. I tried putting some cinnamon, ground cloves, raw apple puree, brown sugar and yogurt in the soup, but at the end the best taste was when I added nothing to it. I used Vita Mix to make the puree.Topped it with goat yogurt.
This squash beat all the other squashes I ever ate! Even my favorite acorn squash...It was so delicious!! Highly recommend to try it!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
What do you think about this?
This is that Devin did yesterday: we were getting ready to go out and while I was talking to grandmother she took my car keys, unlocked the car, turn on the engine, sit in her carseat and put her seatbelts on.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
We took Thomas to the church for the first time. He did great, but on the other hand his big sisiter got bored and just wanted to run around.
I know my mom would love to see this picture with all of us in the church.
Thanksgiving Weekend
Monday, November 23, 2009
Our House Remodal-The Manager
We finished remodaling the outside of our house. Devin did a good job supervising everything.
It was so funny: she would take her chair and go sit outside and look at the man working for a longest time. She would talk to them and ask questions. She made a lot of new buddies and learned some spanish words. Than she would go back inside the house and ask me to make her burrito for lunch.
Family in Town
With greatgrandmother and Nancy and Hello Kitty of course. Oops, forgat Devin's baby!
New Pics of Thomas
I see that I do about one post every year... Again, I am thinking about improving in that department..
Here is a picture of Devin's halloween costume. She was a snowhite as you can see and went trick or treeting with her friend who was a snowhite too. Two walking around snowhites looked adorable! That day Devin and Luke went to halloween store to see if she could pick some other costume, something more like a character but they came back with the snowhite shoes and tiara. She was so sure whe wanted to be a snowhite!
Monday, November 09, 2009
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