If you live in Southern California you know that is hard to find fresh cranberries here (not a right climate to grow them here). I tried buying it online but because the berries are pretty heavy it is costly to ship them. But every year around Thanksgiving Trader Joe's gets pretty good fresh cranberries. I like juicing them with
pineapple or apples or making raw cranberry jelly. Here is the most simple recipe to make it. I like simple,
quick and healthy
24 ounces of fresh cranberries
1 to 2 sweet apples
1/2 cup of water
honey to taste
Blend it all with
Vitamix or your blender and pour it in the jar. It can sty in the
refrigerator for days. I like to put it on the toast. Toast with cream cheese and cranberry jelly goes nicely with it too.
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