Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gold Nugget Squash Soup

Gold Nugget Squash
During the winter season I use a lot of squash. I had this squash(Gold Nugget is a winter squash) in my kitchen for the last 4 months sitting on the top of the refrigerator and having no time to get to it (It looked kind of pretty too:). I thought it might be bad by now, but once we open it up it was perfectly fine to use it! Tonight we baked it and made the soup out of it. I tried putting some cinnamon, ground cloves, raw apple puree, brown sugar and yogurt in the soup, but at the end the best taste was when I added nothing to it. I used Vita Mix to make the puree.
Topped it with goat yogurt.

Gold Nugget Squash Soup

The Seeds-let me know if anybody needs any.
This squash beat all the other squashes I ever ate! Even my favorite acorn squash...It was so delicious!! Highly recommend to try it!

1 comment:

Daiva said...

Thank you, Vilma, for the seeds!