London met us in its cloudy and gloomy air. Every time it felt that it is going to rain and it did sprinkle quote a lot. The only time we saw the sun coming out from the clouds was the last day when we were leaving for Lithuania. No wonder now why people have such the great skin there…
We spent three days in London. We got to see most of the historical places such as London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, Trafalgar Squire, The Big Ben and etc. The old and new buildings architecture was great!
First time when we stepped into English Pubs it refreshed our memory how great is no smoking in restaurants law in California! Otherwise English Pubs are a lot of fun and always crowded with the people.
Food in London was really not good, but we already knew about that before we got there. So, that was not a big surprise… Fresh Cadbury chocolate compensated the bad food…and fish with chips were good...

Fish and chips and of course the green peas..
We stayed at K and K Hotel George in London. And we can highly recommend this hotel to anyone. It is in the great location, the backyard is beautiful, the inside is modern, they have high speed internet service, the hotel staff service was great and the price is very reasonable. London is expensive city, so you have to be ready to spend there…
If you planning to visit London for the first time anytime soon get Rick Steves’ guide book on London it will be very useful.

We are here with our guide for a day Asta.
Thanks Asta!

The backyard of our K and K Hotel George.
Very, very green...

Inside the hotel is very modern.

The Big Ben.

I loved this cute little old building left in the middle of the new ones..

Small cars in London are very popular.

One of the behind the house gardens. A lot of potted plants everywhere.

A great sunset...